The Score

The Surprising Correlation between Financial Planning and Well-being


Do health and wealth go hand in hand? 

Financial issues are commonly considered one of the primary sources of stress for many people and money is a well-documented reason for divorce, for instance.  But is there a real link between the two? And do your current money habits spell trouble for your long-term health?

To help answer these questions, Dr. Sean Hundtofte joins The SCORE to explore the correlation between financial planning and wellbeing. Dr. Hundtofte has dedicated most of his career to household finance, and the insights he’s acquired over the years help power Solve Finance, a company that helps households optimize their finances using market data to their advantage while letting technology do the work for them. Simply put, Solve Finance makes “makes borrowing outcomes easy” for consumers. 

Dr. Hundtofte explains the unexpected health benefits of planning for your financial future and how he uses behavioral finance concepts to make debt management simple in this week’s episode.