The Score

What Are the Root Causes of Financial Exclusion?


Through exploitative interest rates of up to 600%, predatory lenders extract an estimated $9 billion from consumers each year – often from low-income communities of color and other populations unable to access the credit they need. 

 We know what financial inclusion is, and why it’s important. But what creates ‘financial exclusion’ to begin with, and how can we work to eradicate it?

David Henderson, Founder and CEO of Giving Credit, joins The SCORE this week. Giving Credit is a fintech that recognizes and capitalizes community finance by mapping social credit networks and revealing how much you can borrow from friends and family. Listen in as David explores the root causes of financial exclusion and the ways in which alternative data uses such as reciprocated transactions and cash flow underwriting broaden financial inclusion and bring more creditworthy participants into the financial services marketplace.